Monday 12 March 2007

Relish on the Town!

Wendy and I are real social animals!

And one of the benefits of working with our clients are the opportunities to socialise with a wide range of people. Our latest jaunt took us to the Foxhills Club & Resort in Ottershaw, Surrey.

They have recently opened a new restaurant and bar called Nineteen and I have to say it was absolutely fabulous. Whilst I did not get to see much of the resort, looking at the website shows that this place has style and I can honestly say their menus were mouth watering - in the words of my business partner " we will come for breakfast, stay for lunch and leave after dinner!"

We arrived at about 7.45, fashionably late, and was met with white, pink and green (?)champagne with canapes - fab! There was a great turnout, and a real buzz in the room. For us, it provided us with plenty of opportunities to network. We met a couple of lovely ladies, one in PR and another who was the photographer for the event and we spent at least half an hour just talking (well we are girls who can talk!) about what each of us did. It is always interesting to find out what other people really do, and what they enjoy - as the saying goes "every person has a story" and this is certainly something I have found.

I am well know for my lack of attention to detail, so it came as no surprise that we completely missed the fact that comedian Mrk Curry was also at the event, and apparantly he is looking to set up a dating agency of some kind - you heard it here first!

For any of you who network regularly, you will know that the social scene is the best place to network and certainly, both Wendy and I managed to do some more over the weekend - talking about our 1:1's and Creating Personal Success courses.

As we had so much fun, we shall be looking for more events where we can enjoy ourselves and talk about our business!

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