Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Reading Community Event Mar

Wendy and I have been promoting the Reading Community event since October 2006 and on Monday night we had a significant improvement to the numbers attending!

For some reason, Reading seems to be a tough area to crack regarding networking, and we are hoping that our group, which is aimed at the individual, will be significantly different!

Most people attending did not know each other and once initial introductions were over, Wendy and I facilitated the discussions, only where it went quiet - which fortunately for our guests, was rarely (Wendy can talk "a hind leg off a donkey" as my family were apt to say!).

Discussions included global warming and whether this was indeed down to the carbon emissions that we are being led to believe is the key reason for the earth warming up (I believe a Panorama programme challenged this view - for mine I think I might put in another blog!),what we all did, who we would like to meet etc.

Part of what our community event is all about is helping people to meet each other, to have some fun, learn something new and have a gentle introduction to the "Relish way". Our activity on the night was to ask everyone to write down 6 things that they have always wanted to do and have never quite got around to doing. Interestingly, some people struggled with this, not necessarily that there weren't 6 things, it was just that they had never been asked the question before. And Relish is good at that - asking challenging questions that make you think!!

We then asked them to roll a dice and whichever number came up, that was the thing they were to commit to doing sometime during the year. Everyone found the activity interesting and it sparked even more conversation about the choices people had made ie visting Japan, going on Safari, to improving themselves - how fab is that - truly inspiring!!

Anyway, have other events in Basingstoke and Guildford as well and it would be great when we build upon the numbers, so that we can hire a separate room to provide really valuable snippets of information included in our courses, that will be a real value to people coming along!

In the meantime, Wendy and I will be found in various hotels and bars around the south east inviting lots of interesting people to join us as a social occasion, whilst enjoying ourselves at the same time!

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