Saturday, 31 March 2007

Relish become LBC experts!

Wendy and I are very excited!

Wendy has become the Life Design expert for the Jim Davis show on LBC radio!

Wendy has made 2 appearances with Jim and has already made her mark on him! He made the mistake of explaining how a friend had rung him up and that he would try to go out for a drink with them that week. Big mistake!

Wendy was straight in there and pointed out that there was no such thing as try! Anyone who says try, is actually being very polite or is using it to postpone saying no.

In the words of Yoda from Star Wars "Do or do not. There is no try"

I used to say try all the time, now working with Wendy has made it very apparant it is not a word to use lightly!!

If you fancy listening to what she has to say - click here

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