Sunday, 6 January 2008

2008 - New Year Resolutions

Hope you all had a Happy New Year!!

Wendy and I were back at work on the 28th December, using the time between Christmas and New Year to sort out all those bits of paper, filing, and notes that fell by the wayside during 2007.

I always enjoy this time of year, as there is a sense of being able to put everything behind you and to 'start afresh'. I have always enjoyed planning what I will do, where I will go and how I will be different.

2007, was most certainly a big year in personal change for me. During that time I improved my underlying health and my attitudes and behaviours using the NLP training that I undertook and a number of other personal development courses I attnded.

It is hard to see how I am going to top that in 2008, but top it I will!

I have many plans for this year, most are actually about putting in place the foundations for my future, things such as learning to speak Italian, as I want to go and live there for a year; learn storytelling, as I plan to do more guest speaking this year; and making more time for my family and friends, so that I have more to look back on in years to come when I am sat in front of a roaring log fire. (Or on the doorstep somewhere on the Mediterranean with a beer in one hand a book in the other, dishing out pearls of wisdom!):)

However, one challenge I face, along with many others, is keeping that enthusiasm and excitement going much beyond February. I still do achieve the things I want eventually, and not necessarily in the way I had planned, but sometimes somewhere along the way, it is all too easy to 'forget' what you are aiming for, what you are supposed to be doing or maybe, life just gets in the way...

This is where it is important that we understand why we set the goals/resolutions in the first place.

Was it for ourselves? Or as a result of someelse's expectations? Very often we set our New Year's resolutions because there is external pressure to do so, because we think we should/ought to; it is what is expected. Or because somewhere inside of us, we 'believe' we should do it.

However, if we are not 100% bought into the change at a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level, then we are setting ourselves up for potential failure.

It is worth asking yourself why is it important to you? What is it that will keep you sticking to the change when you are tired, stressed, short of time etc? What will you do, say or be that will ensure that your change becomes habit, a part of you?

If, like me you find yourself losing sight of what you wanted to acheive, write your goals/resolutions down, you can then constantly refer to them to remind yourself and just as important make sure that you plan time for them, as during busy times, those things that are not yet habit can have a tendency to be put on the 'back burner'.

And if your focus changes during the year? Then know that it is OK! This is your life and what is right for you in January, may need some adjustment by June anyway, as one way or another, things will have changed somehow!!

Hope 2008 is a great one for you!!

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