I went along to a charity ball in aid of the Touching Tiny Lives last Saturday night at Heythrop Park.
It was the first event of many planned that will be dedicated to a charity the first on being the Touching tiny Lives, part of Action International.
It was very well organised, and the food was great. Along with the usual raffles and dancing, there was a charity auction and I am getting a taste for them! If you read my blog about about the Sparks charity event earlier this year, you will know that I got a little carried away last time.
However, this time I had gone with a budget in mind and when the 2 tickets to Goodwood Festival of Speed next year came up (an event I have been meaning to go to for sometime), I decided to bid for them! As I got to my limit, I hesitated a moment too long and they went for £50 more than my budget! Clearly the best thing for my pocket!
What was the lesson in this for me?
That being aware of and setting boundaries for yourself is good way to manage yourself. Knowing what you will and won't put up with; how far you will or won't go; what you will or won't tolerate.
For me, boundaries around money is something I need to work on. I tend to spend it whilst I have it, and then 'reign in' when I notice it disappearing rather rapidly! I have a faily easy relationship with money, sharing it easily with those closest to me, or to those causes that I have decided to support - what I need to learn, is that I have a limited amount of resources and I need to be sensible about how I use them!
Besides that? I am already looking forward to it already!
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